On Wednesday we saw The Call of Cthulhu, hosted fittingly at the Hill Street Theatre, a haunting Masonic Lodge with intriguing Freemasons' symbols on the walls. The Call of Cthulhu stands out for the impressive acting range from its single performer, who plays convincingly 3 or 4 different characters. It starts with a wonderfully dark, passionately performed monologue. However, I felt the show lacked variety. I found it difficult to follow. Too abstract, even for Lovecraft standards. The phrase "self indulgent" sprang to mind. Not the way I would have adpated a Lovecraft text for the stage... But very competently produced.

We also saw
Hairy Pretty Things, which - as expected - was very entertaing (David Somerset Barnes' singing being one of the highlights). Then I took my slot at the
Magic Faraway Cabaret, where the highlight for me was Misty Vine's hilarious take on a Tina Turner song. Fab. That was also when I found out the connection between French comedian
Marcel Lucont and Alexis Dubus, whose "
A surprisingly tasteful show about nudity" includes 'cameos' from me on Saturday and Tuesday.

My show on Wednesday was not as well attended as most of the previous ones. But some of the audience responses were warm and appreciative. And the donations are getting bigger and bigger. :-)

After my show, we went to the Forest Cafe, where an arty troupe from London (Brian Lobel, Arkem, Jonathan Kemp, Benjamin Sebastian, among others) were doing a queer interactive live installation thingy, "Cruising for Art". I took this opportunity to flier my show to the cute queer young things at the event.
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